Wednesday 23 May 2007

Gives in to memes...

Maybe I could use this blog... somewhere for blethers only :D

Plus, I was tagged by Alison, who pointed out we have known each other longer than some of our friends have been alive, LOL!

So, Seven Random Things About Me...

1. I've got an advanced driving qualification

2. All my wisdom teeth have been taken out. I've still got two of them in a pot somewhere...

3. I know how to pan for gold.

4. I've been to a sci-fi convention and I've got my ticket for one in January

5. I am still in touch with my first ever best friend! And I'm pretty sure I still have shoe boxes full of your letters in the attic, Alison ;)

6. I like making model airplanes :D

7. I don't like olives :(

I'm not sure I'll be able to keep this blog free of sci-fi, hahaha!